Meaning of (ग्रामोफोन रेकार्ड के भाग) gramophon rekard ke bhag in english

As noun :
track Ex:  Ben Gage was hired to rerecord Barry White's voice track
Suggested : a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs
Exampleग्रामोफोन रेकार्ड के भाग का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ग्रामोफोन रेकार्ड के भाग) gramophon rekard ke bhag can be used as noun.. No of characters: 24 including consonants matras. Transliteration : graamophona rekaarDa ke bhaaga

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